Call for Papers

Important Dates for Paper Submission

April 8, 2024 — Digest submission system opens
July 31, 2024 — Digest submission system closes
August 30, 2024 — Notification of acceptance
October 10, 2024 — Final paper submission

Digest Submission

Prospective authors are requested to submit a single column digest, according to the provided template, no longer than six (6) pages (including references) summarizing the proposed paper. The digest should include key equations, figures, tables, and references as appropriate, but no author names or affiliations. Digests not conforming to these requirements will be rejected without review. The digests must clearly state the objectives of the work, its significance in advancing the state of the art, and the methods and specific results in sufficient detail.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The digest must be in the proper format.
  • The digest must adhere to the 6-page limit (including references).
  • The digest must meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • Be of interest to eGrid participants and industry stakeholders.
    • Present new methods or novel application of existing methods, analysis, or experimentation.
    • Present improvements in and/or new process, design, or technology.
    • Discuss and provide fresh thoughts on the effects of evolving public and environmental policies on grid technologies.
    • Must clearly express the digest’s major contribution.
    • Be written in clear and understandable English language.

Authors will be provided feedback on their paper by August 30, 2024. Authors will be offered to present their work at an eGrid poster session. In general, with an accepted abstract, it is our expectation that all papers will meet the acceptance criteria. In rare cases, a paper will be rejected for one of the following reasons.

Reasons for Rejection

  • Plagiarize or regurgitate old and well-proven thoughts.
  • Have copied others’ ideas without proper acknowledgment.
  • Are written exposing the same or similar ideas or represent only a minor variant of a previous publication.
  • Contain gross errors, are poorly written, or written in an obscure manner.
  • Commercial intent. (The paper should focus on the technical merit of the technology, process, or ideas, and should not be overtly commercial or read like a sales brochure for the specific product, make or model types, or services offered.)

Final Paper Submission

Full-length accepted papers should use the IEEE conference template and be limited to six pages in length. Submissions longer than six pages will not be published. Significant inconsistency between the accepted digests and final full paper will lead to a removal of the paper from the final proceeding. The IEEE conference templates can be found below in Word and LaTeX formats:

Authors must use only one of the two aforementioned templates for the submission of the final files. Any paper that does not respect these templates will be not published in the IEEE Proceedings. The final paper in IEEE two-column format must be submitted as a PDF. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore online digital library.

Paper Publication

Presented papers will be published in the Conference Record and submitted to IEEE Xplore®, the world’s largest online technical library. Papers that are not presented at the workshop will not be published in the Conference Record on IEEE Xplore®.

IEEE Copyright

After notice of acceptance, authors are required to complete and submit an IEEE copyright form and verify the paper is original and not previously published.

Conference Registration and Accommodation

The 2024 IEEE eGrid Workshop will be held at the Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza in Santa Fe, NM. Additional information on hotel and conference registration will be available in the coming months here.

Additional Resources

Author Registration

IEEE does not waive conference registration for authors and speakers. Authors must register as attendees.

Non-Commercialism Policy

IEEE provides an open, respectful, and professional forum that facilitates the exchange of technical information independent of commercial issues. Details of this policy are on the website. IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment and bullying. For more information, view IEEE’s Nondiscrimination Policy.


Questions regarding the technical agenda, contact Jack Flicker.

Questions regarding publications, contact Brian Johnson.